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AI-powered investment companion for Retail investors

GPTStonks is a financial companion designed to help retail investors by providing comprehensive financial data and advanced portfolio tracking, enhanced by AI for tailored insights.

  • How has the performance of Ethereum been in comparison to Bitcoin and Cardano over the past three years?

  • Performance Comparison of Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), and Cardano (ADA) Over the Past Three Years
    Ethereum (ETH)
    • Open: Average opening price: $2778.44, Min: $1019.76, Max: $4792.83
    • High: Average highest price: $2869.88, Min: $1101.38, Max: $4868.71
    • Close: Average closing price: $2771.22, Min: $1009.53, Max: $4799.47
    • Low: Average lowest price: $2672.42, Min: $996.735, Max: $4713.19
    • Date Range: September 15, 2021, to September 14, 2022
    Bitcoin (BTC)
    • Open Price: Average open price: $38,852.70, Min: $18,770.50, Max: $67,652.00
    • High Price: Average high price: $39,898.30, Min: $19,483.00, Max: $69,050.50
    • Close Price: Average close price: $38,761.40, Min: $18,713.70, Max: $67,740.30
    • Low Price: Average low price: $37,665.00, Min: $18,530.10, Max: $66,103.00
    • Date Range: September 16, 2021, to September 15, 2022
    Cardano (ADA)
    • Open Price: Mean open price: 0.738961, Min: 0.42036, Max: 1.5366
    • High Price: Mean high price: 0.766606, Min: 0.4354, Max: 1.60529
    • Close Price: Mean close price: 0.732477, Min: 0.42012, Max: 1.52723
    • Low Price: Mean low price: 0.705275, Min: 0.38617, Max: 1.45457
    • Date Range: January 17, 2022, to September 14, 2022

    The data presented above offers a comprehensive overview of the performance of Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), and Cardano (ADA) over the past year.

    Ethereum showed a significant price range, with an average open price of $2778.44 and a high of $2869.88, highlighting its volatile but potentially lucrative nature. Bitcoin, with a much higher average opening price of $38,852.70 and a high of $39,898.30, demonstrated its established status and relatively higher market value compared to Ethereum and Cardano. Cardano, despite having a lower average open price of 0.738961, showed a consistent performance with its high price reaching 0.766606, reflecting its steadier market position within the examined period.

    In summary, while Bitcoin maintained the highest values across all categories, Ethereum exhibited substantial price movements indicative of high volatility, and Cardano displayed steadiness with less pronounced fluctuations. Investors can leverage this analysis to gauge the risk and potential returns associated with each cryptocurrency.

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  • How has the performance of Ethereum been in comparison to Bitcoin and Cardano over the past three years?

  • Performance Comparison of Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), and Cardano (ADA) Over the Past Three Years
    Ethereum (ETH)
    • Open: Average opening price: $2778.44, Min: $1019.76, Max: $4792.83
    • High: Average highest price: $2869.88, Min: $1101.38, Max: $4868.71
    • Close: Average closing price: $2771.22, Min: $1009.53, Max: $4799.47
    • Low: Average lowest price: $2672.42, Min: $996.735, Max: $4713.19
    • Date Range: September 15, 2021, to September 14, 2022
    Bitcoin (BTC)
    • Open Price: Average open price: $38,852.70, Min: $18,770.50, Max: $67,652.00
    • High Price: Average high price: $39,898.30, Min: $19,483.00, Max: $69,050.50
    • Close Price: Average close price: $38,761.40, Min: $18,713.70, Max: $67,740.30
    • Low Price: Average low price: $37,665.00, Min: $18,530.10, Max: $66,103.00
    • Date Range: September 16, 2021, to September 15, 2022
    Cardano (ADA)
    • Open Price: Mean open price: 0.738961, Min: 0.42036, Max: 1.5366
    • High Price: Mean high price: 0.766606, Min: 0.4354, Max: 1.60529
    • Close Price: Mean close price: 0.732477, Min: 0.42012, Max: 1.52723
    • Low Price: Mean low price: 0.705275, Min: 0.38617, Max: 1.45457
    • Date Range: January 17, 2022, to September 14, 2022

    The data presented above offers a comprehensive overview of the performance of Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), and Cardano (ADA) over the past year.

    Ethereum showed a significant price range, with an average open price of $2778.44 and a high of $2869.88, highlighting its volatile but potentially lucrative nature. Bitcoin, with a much higher average opening price of $38,852.70 and a high of $39,898.30, demonstrated its established status and relatively higher market value compared to Ethereum and Cardano. Cardano, despite having a lower average open price of 0.738961, showed a consistent performance with its high price reaching 0.766606, reflecting its steadier market position within the examined period.

    In summary, while Bitcoin maintained the highest values across all categories, Ethereum exhibited substantial price movements indicative of high volatility, and Cardano displayed steadiness with less pronounced fluctuations. Investors can leverage this analysis to gauge the risk and potential returns associated with each cryptocurrency.

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GPTStonks is a financial chatbot powered by LLMs, providing natural language conversation capabilities for financial topics.




A sleek and fully customizable chatbot built using Nextjs and Typescript.


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๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ How come GPTStonks has open-source components?

GPTStonks was born as an open-source project with the mission to democratize access to financial tools for retail investors, since we did not find any complete and user-centered solutions on the Internet. Now, we are leveraging our open-source components within our platform and we are also glad that people can use them in their own projects.

๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ When will I be able to use GPTStonks paid plans?

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